In addiction recovery, the place of a professional counsellor is very important. As a matter of fact, if the counselling link is missing, there is a possibility that the addicted individual would find it very hard to recover.
Some addicted individuals who are ready to give up addiction, usually feel that, once they have undergone the detoxification stage, they are good to go. However, it is much more than that, having a counsellor comes with a lot of benefits which most people are not aware of.
In order to achieve sobriety on a long-term, recovering individuals need more than a strong willpower, they need to be equipped with some tools and skills which would help them handle integral aspects of the addiction which includes triggers and cravings. This is one of the aspects where a professional counsellor comes in to help.
The first benefit which a professional counsellor has to offer is, building trust and the provision of empathy. Addicted individuals are usually short of who to trust, they must have lost many friends in the process, and not many would be willing to hang around them. However, the case is different with a professional counsellor.
A professional counsellor makes attempts to ensure that the addict opens up about the addiction, this would help him to create a structured and individualized treatment plan for the addict. Also, if the addict needs someone to talk to, the counsellor is always available to lend a hearing ear.
In addition to this, a professional counsellor helps the recovering individual to plan for relapse prevention. An addiction counsellor knows his onions, and he is aware of the fact that, relapse is possible. Hence, he would have some measures and tools in place for the individual to ensure that it is well prevented.
Furthermore, the professional counsellor would be in place to check if there are underlying mental health problems. Often times, mental health issues are associated with addiction, and the individual might not be aware of this fact.