Role of a professional counselor or therapist in aftercare treatment

Aftercare treatment is a type of ongoing treatment that people in recovery receive when they achieve sobriety from substance or behavioral addiction. The major essence of aftercare treatment is to prevent such individuals from a relapse.

During aftercare treatment, the individual in recovery continues to work closely with the counselor to ensure that their sobriety is permanent.

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Here are some of the roles that a counselor plays during aftercare treatment.

Teach them how to recognize triggers

Not everyone who recovers initially from addiction is aware that some triggers can make them relapse. Some of them might make decisions that will restore their addiction.

The counselor helps them to manage the situation by teaching them how to spot the triggers that are peculiar to their situation.

Teach them coping skills

The counselor also teaches coping skills as a defense against triggers that can cause relapse. These coping skills are often tailored to the treatment need of the individual in recovery.

For instance, if they’ve been struggling with alcohol addiction, then they might need to be careful of the kind of parties they attend, or the breed of people they hang out with.

Motivate them continuously

Another responsibility of the counselor is to motivate the individual to permanent sobriety. They will keep getting reminded of the fact that no matter how intense the addiction cravings are, they can still overcome them.

Spot underlying health problems

Some addicted individuals might not be aware that they have some underlying health issues. Even after they leave rehab, their addiction might be gone but these health problems might persist.

The counselor is adept at recognizing some of these health problems and giving them a pathway that provides solutions.

Unites them with their loved ones

Not all individuals who recover from addiction are always on good terms with their loved ones. Because the involvement of family and friends is key to maintaining long-term sobriety, the counselor tries to reunite both parties.

Therefore, the individual’s loved ones would be more intentional in ensuring that their member does not relapse.

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